Guarro fanzine - The blog: 2010 Guarro fanzine - The blog: 2010
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Jaimie Warren

All images © Jaimie Warren
Post by Guarro

gimme gimme gimme gimme ♦♦

Oh que guarro es Benjamin!

Upso - The universe of colors

Don't move, don't talk, just look...

The marvelous world of Campbell

Summer diary

Thanks to Summer Dairy


catch-fire talking about Guarro

GUARRO is another free E-zine dedicated to guys in freaky poses and photography in general. Issue #1 is a reminiscence to Lady Gaga and features a lot of photographers already mentioned on CATCH FIRE such as Benjamin Fredrickson, Exterface, Mathias Uris or Javier Felices. Click here to check it out.

Sweety Redwood

Jason Redwood from Santa Barbara, ca.

Guarro #1

That boy

Justino Esteves is a guarro-boy
Not just for his portraits, in his manner is too.
For that reason we wanted to have him and do dirty-thinks-togethers.
Today we see his work,another day more.
Justino Esteves es un chico guarro!
No solo por su fotografía si no tambien por su forma de ser, por este motivo quisimos tenerle y hacer guarradas juntos. Hoy mostramos su trabajo, otro día les mostraremos a el. XD

Some websites

Some websites talking about Guarro, thank u guys!!

Who is Benjamin Fredrickson?

Benjamin is an artist in every sense, he´s part of our new project.
If you still do not know it, do it now.
Don't remain indifferent, certainly not
